Split album F with Spleen is OUT!

I am very excited to announce that split album called "F" with Spleen is OUT today!
Well its been a long time since Dichotomy Engine released any kind of new music so its fucking great to be back. It was great experience to work with Spleen, to follow the path and the story with similar ideas. This album features some individual songs and two collaboration songs. Also there is a story behind all the songs, it is a conceptual album which is giving listener an insight to a life and experience of a psychotic man. It can be an experience of a one man or a several different people but in the end it finishes with pain.
Musically wise, this album contains mainly ambient and noise elements, here and there you can find drone and shoegaze parts. Spleen did a great job with his performance here, making songs with many textures within ambient background. This whole concept for album came from his interesting idea, and the artwork booklet is his work.

For me personally this album is important because DE two year break without any release is finally done and Dichotomy Engine is back with a friendly split album. And to work with a close minded musician is encouraging and awesome chance to be back on this experimental and noisy tracks.

ALL in ALL give this album a try and listen or download it from bandcamp page - https://dichotomyengine.bandcamp.com/album/spleen-and-dichotomy-engine-f

For now album is self released over the bandcamp, but there will also be a DVD release and I am sure that it will be released within some other labels we are negotiating with.
If you want to say your opinion about this, please leave a comment below I would really appreciate it.

You can also check out Spleen's official facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/spleenerebus
and bandcamp page: spleenerebus.bandcamp.com